Monique Watts

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Home Sweet Home

What does a mama do after getting up too early to make sure everything was packed, sitting in the airport for 2 hrs with 3 jittery kids, listening to Simon talk back about FIVE times, and fighting DMV traffic after not getting any sleep on a flight when she gets home from vacation?  She clears out her closet for the biggest purge to date that's what.

Before the clearing....

I should have probably taken more pictures of the floor.  It was lined with boxes of junk, clothing, shoes and art supplies.  I also found a folding table, an iron and sooo many other knick knacks I didn't know we owned.  I happily packed several bags for Goodwill.

Alvin helped me clear out the clutter and all of us danced around the empty space.  Even though I've always thought the space was a decent size, I couldn't believe how spacious the closet truly is.  The kids begged for an art or play room to occupy the newly empty space.  It sounded like a nice idea but The Hubs and I decided to dedicate it to storing clothes (I reduced my wardrobe by nearly 50%!) and a mini office for our writing.

I still have a lot to do and will reveal the pictures in a later post.