How to Replace Butter When You're Ready to Go Vegan

When I show my clients how to embrace a vegan lifestyle, I always focus on making the experience as familiar and simple as possible. I know how hard it can be when you're ready to change and everything feels so different and overwhelming...especially when you're trying to make this change with a family. 


The good news is, replacing conventional butter is super simple when you're transitioning to vegan life.


Why conventional butter isn't vegan - Since conventional butter is from made using cow's milk it's not considered a vegan. That milk is meant for calves anyway, so here are 3 better options for your toast, bagels, oatmeal, grits, pancakes, baking etc....


3 options to replace Conventional butter:


*Earth Balance vegan margarine (this is the product I use most)


*Smart Balance Buttery Spread (this brand is likely more accessible)



*I haven't tried the recipe below (I will soon!) but it looks like an awesome alternative for conventional butter.


I got it from Vegan Cherry's Facebook page.


What's your favorite butter alternative?

5 Small Changes to Start A Vegan Journey with a Fam

I know how overwhelming and scary a lifestyle change to be...especially cutting meat, dairy and eggs from your diet.

It doesn't have to be all or nothing to get started on a vegan journey. Every single change will bring you closer to reaching your vegan goals. I promise! 

Here are a some tips to get you started....


It's like butta, baby

Brands like Earth Balance make it super easy for you to switch out your butter now. Vegan margarine is made of oil, water & salt. Use it on toast and with baking and I highly doubt your family will notice the difference.  Locate Earth Balance near you using the zip code locator at the bottom of this page.


Add an extra vegetable to your dinner plate

I loved vegetables growing up but some kids don't even want them on their plate. My middle son, Elijah used to be like this. I quickly realized the more exposure he had to vegetables the more he ate them. I love how that happens

If regular chicken, rice and corn are what's for dinner, add a side of steamed broccoli or sautéed kale, too. You don't even have to say anything...just serve it up. :-)


Veganize simple dishes 

Beyond Meat vegan crumbles rock and are an easy replacement for ground beef/turkey.  You can find this brand at Whole Foods, Target and most health food stores.

Just add the crumbles to your favorite spaghetti sauce and/or taco shells.

Your family won't notice the difference and this is such an easy way to gradually get the family onboard. 


Swap out the the milk

Dairy is the devil! lt will make you fat and jack up your skin (I know about that adult acne life). Not everyone is ready to leave cheese alone, but milk in your cereal and coffee are simple changes. Start experimenting with soy, almond, coconut and other nut-based milk to find the right fit for your fam. 


Reduce your kids' commercial/TV time

It can be pretty difficult to get your kids to embrace vegan eating when TV commercials are working overtime to contradict everything you say.

Use Netflix (no commercials) and/or record their shows to fast forward the commercials. 


Don't ever discount the small daily changes that you're making to improve your health and the health of your family.

Be gentle with yourself!  You got this!

Why "Go-To" Vegan Meals Are So Important

Life has been pretty busy for me lately, so I know from experience how important it is to establish “go-to” meals when you start your vegan journey.
You need simple & delicious meals that take no more than 30 mins to put together.
Last night…a basic spaghetti with fresh basil  (here's the recipe) saved me, when I got caught up with a project and forgot to cook dinner.

Yeah, I forgot to make dinner. Don't judge me. lol 
Lentil soup and a quick stir-fry are also my go-to meals.


I know getting started on this journey with a family isn’t always easy.  

One person likes this, one person likes that...or no one likes anything. 

This is why it's so important to experiment with new recipes, let majority rule (one will always not like something lol) and establish go-to meals.

Tips on how to establish your go-to meals:

Take a few minutes and think about what your family is already loving and make those your go-to meals (try to have at least 3). 
Check out the recipe page for inspiration.

You got this!

How I Got My Hubby To Replace His Cheddar Popcorn | Earth Balance Popcorn

Eric isn't a vegan, but he is very vegan-friendly.

Let me explain...

He enjoys the vegan meals that I cook, but will still eat frozen cheese pizza (at home) and wings when we eat out.

I've heard horror stories about spouses not being as open-minded, so I'm very fortunate that he's willing to eat ( and enjoy) vegan meals at home. 

I've always tried to be respectful of his meal decisions (as he is with mine), so Eric being "vegan-friendly" is a good enough compromise for our family.

Overall, I feel this way about most people on a vegan journey. It really is about progress and not being perfect.

We recently tried Earth Balance cheddar popcorn and we love it! I didn't think Eric would be a fan since he usually eats Smart cheddar popcorn (which isn't vegan).

This popcorn has a hint of cheddar flavor, is non-GMO and "buttered" using Earth Balance vegan margarine. It's a winner! He even agreed that we can replace this Smart popcorn with this brand.


Have you had a chance to try this popcorn? What did you think?

Labor Day Eats & Vegan Tips

I just wanted to hop in and give you a few last minute recipes for your Labor Day vegan cookout (or cookouts…if you’re greedy like me lol).
For the grill: Our favorite homemade vegan burger, Field Roast sausage and hotdogs (check their site for where to buy near you)

Dessert: Peach cobbler
Did you see my How to Eat Vegan At Cookouts blog post? I give you some tips on how to feel a little more comfortable.

Be safe and enjoy your weekend, fam!