Thankful-Day 12
Each day this month, I will post something that I'm thankful for.
Simon & Alvin came home today after spending a few days with their dad and stepmom up in MD. I'm thankful that we all have a great relationship. I'm thankful that we spend holidays together, eat meals, and even hang out at the White House.
Thankful-Nov 9, 2012
Each day this month, I will post something that I'm thankful for.
I'm thankful for meditation.
I'm doing Deepak Chopra's 21-day challenge with #thesekids and it feels amazing to calm our thoughts and be still.
Thankful-Nov 8, 2012
Each day this month, I will post something that I'm thankful for.
Even though I'm not sure where it will lead me, I'm so thankful that I found my passion in showing the joy of plant-based food. I'm meeting a lot of amazing people and experimenting in the kitchen more now than ever before.
Thankful Nov 7, 2012
Each day this month, I will post something that I'm thankful for.
I'm thankful for another chance to get it right.
My personal life has been in shambles for a while now. I haven't been very happy with myself and in turn, it has affected everything from my looks, my relationships, and starting my business.
Today, I'm thankful for another opportunity to get it right. I will continue to work in the right direction and not give up. Life is beautiful and too short, so I must bask in all the good it has to offer.