Quotes, Travel Monique Quotes, Travel Monique

Quote of the Day



I was nervous about the kids' passports coming on time, but all 3 came the other day. Woohoo! In a few weeks the boys will be on that jet plane rocking their international trip.  Maybe we can stamp it twice this year. Maybe.


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Quotes Monique Quotes Monique

Quote of the Day

I'm reading 3 books right now. In other words, I'm not getting much reading done.  I'm too much of a scatterbrain to focus on one book at a time like Eric does. lol

Anyhoo, this quote from The Fire Starter Sessions: A Soulful + Practical Guide to Creating Success on Your Own Terms spoke to me:

"When being real is your priority, the various parts of your life start to groove.  Your career will begin to reflect your true passion; your living room will match your values; your friends will fit your soul; and your wealth-of which there are many definitions-will start to measure up with your notion of freedom." -Danielle LaPorte


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