Quote of the Day
"Work hard at the thing that you love. Like… really hard. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s dumb. If they do tell you it’s dumb… work harder and prove them wrong. But don’t rub it in their face- just be gracious, and wear expensive lipstick, and smile, and keep working. -Joy the Baker
Quote of the Day
“Trust yourself. Think for yourself. Act for yourself. Speak for yourself. Be yourself. Imitation is suicide.” – Marva Collins
— Rosetta(@happyblackwoman) January 30, 2013
Quote of the Day
Don't worry about who doesn't see it now, work to make sure they see it later. Keep believing in you.
— Hit-Boy (@Hit_Boy) January 29, 2013
Quote of the Day
"Give yourself permission to dream...to be totally unrealistic." -Henriette Anne Klauser
Quote of the Day
If you don't feel yourself growing in your work & life broadening, if your task isn't a perpetual tonic to you, you haven't found your place
— Soledad Francis PhD (@SoledadFrancis) January 26, 2013