Just Monique

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19. How to Be Vegan for Life-A Conversation with Gail Roddy

My chat with Gail Roddy was amazing! She's been on a vegan journey for over 25 years and shares her experiences on how and why she started and the true secret to staying on the journey for life. 

I appreciate her candor in this conversation and believe our chat will give folks the confidence to move forward in their journey.

In this conversation we discuss: 

  • The shame of not being vegan enough

  • Why there's no such thing as a "perfect" vegan journey for most

  • Why you didn't fail even if you tried to go vegan 30 times before

Listen here....

See this content in the original post

Contact Gail Roddy:


Order her kale chips!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

I'm Vegan and I'm Black..It Actually Happens Facebook group 

Previous blog post featuring Gail