9. Vegan Police & Figure Competitions-A Conversation with Christa Shelton
I'm loving the podcast!
In the latest episode, I have a chat with my friend, Christa Shelton about her vegan journey, clean eating, vegan police and her experience as a figure competitor.
Listen hereā¦
Christa is a vegan blogger, health coach and speaker in Los Angeles, CA. She has been vegan for 8 years and is passionate about sharing the benefits of this lifestyle and health and fitness in general with others.
In addition to her blog, Veggin' Out With Christa, she has had the pleasure of writing weekly columns and contributing to other sites focused on veganism, health and fitness. Christa is a proud member of the Speaker's Bureau and top health blogger for Wellsphere, a mentor for the Vegan Society , an Ambassador for Black Fitness Today and a 2012 member of the VegNews Street Team.
She also hosts live online classes on the vegan lifestyle at Learn It Live and provides individual instruction at Pop Expert. She loves helping others live the healthiest lives possible and works to be the best example she can be! She also loves to laugh, give and receive hugs and roller coasters!
Reach out to Christa!
Her fitness trainer is Tina Claire...her site is here
Jehina Malik's Instagram