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131. Sustainable Living, Vegan Food & Motherhood with Ashley Renne

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Ashley Renne is a sustainable living blogger and YouTuber based in Atlanta, GA.

In our conversation we chat about:

*The steps you need to take beyond being a vegan to live a sustainable lifestyle.
*Why you should consider becoming a vegan if you’re currently a vegetarian.
*Being vegan in a relationship
*Ashley also shares an easy solution to save time and overwhelm in the kitchen as a new vegan (you don’t have to meal plan or shop🙌🏾)

Contact Ashley:




Buy her ebook, Basic Ass Vegan

Resources Mentioned:

The Game Changers documentary

Rent the Runway


NY & C Closet

Happy Cow - locate vegan restaurants


Purple Carrot

Green Chef

The Difference Between Plant-Based & Vegan IG Reel