Just Monique

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60. How to Survive Thanksgiving As A Vegan | A Convo with Michelle Johnson of Vegan Cooking with Love

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Special offer for my listeners! Get Michelle's vegan dessert book & bonus recipes for an amazing discount here.

We discuss:

  • Why good food is incredible vegan activism

  • What dishes you should bring to your family's Thanksgiving table

  • How to replace ingredients to serve a traditional vegan Thanksgiving

  • How to deal with family backlash

  • Why Thanksgiving is all about the side dishes - no need for turkey!

Reach Vegan Cooking with Love:






~*~Special offer for my listeners! Get Michelle's vegan dessert book & bonus recipes for an amazing discount here.~*~

Resources mentioned in this episode:

How Not to Die book

Earth Balance vegan margarine

Follow Your Heart Vegan Egg 

Michelle's first interview on the show

Michelle's tofu marinade recipe

Colleen Patrick Goudreau's podcast

Michelle's "How to Go Vegan" blog post and free workbook

Ener-G Egg replacer 

Gardein fishless filets

Bob's Red Mill egg replacer

happycow.net website (there's an app, too)

Field Roast sausage

Dr. Greger's PBS special


Vegan Tip of the Week -- How to replace sour cream

1) Buy it in the store- Tofutti is the brand I see most often

2) Make your own with coconut milk -

*15 oz can full-fat coconut milk

*1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar or fresh lemon juice

*1/8 teaspoon sea salt

Put the unopened can of coconut milk in the fridge overnight. Open the can and remove the creamy coconut on top (you can use the water for smoothies).

Whisk all the ingredients together in a bowl and serve as usual.

3) Make your own sour cream with raw cashews -

*1 cup raw cashews, soaked for 4 hours

*1/2 to 1 cup water (Start with 1/2 cup -- add more water if necessary to make it smooth)

*2 tsp fresh lemon juice or apple cider vinegar

*1/2 teaspoon salt

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.