vegan events

How to Go Vegan - Tips From My Vegan Peeps at DC VegFest ~

I went to DC VegFest a couple of weeks ago!

Vegan festivals are the best way to connect with like-minded peeps. 

You can eat all the vegan food you want and learn more about vegan life overall from speakers, vendors, and other attendees.

It's always a good time!

While I was there, I had to bring out my camera and do some quick interviews with some of my favorite vegan peeps.

Folks like: Tracye McQuirter, Bad Ass Vegan, Vegan Cooking with Love and Torre Washington shared their best tips on how to get started on a vegan lifestyle.

Watch it here...

What was the common theme from these interviews?

It's okay to make gradual changes to your diet to get started on a vegan journey. You can do this!

Here are all the vegan peeps from the video:

See what vegan festivals are near you here