These Kids #22 Rocket Man
I can't believe it's been over two months since I posted an episode of These Kids. Now that the weather is much nicer, it shouldn't be hard to get the kids out and about. More videos coming soon!
In this episode, the boys shoot off paper rockets at the local library.
More pics from that day.....
What My Kids Say
Alvin: "I wish we had an extra room for a man cave. We could get a flat screen TV, video games and order pizzas. Do you think Mimi will let me put one in her basement?" lol
#icant #thesekids
Catching Up 12/20-01/07/2013
Singing, "It's been too long, since you've been gone" I haven't done a vlog in forever. To get back in the swing of things, I decided to post clips from the last several weeks. There's a lot of randomness going on in this video, and I wouldn't want it any other way. Enjoy!
What My Kids Say
Alvin: "Why can't I go to the store with you?"
Me: "Because I want 5 minutes alone"
Alvin: "I already let you have 5 minutes in the bathroom."
Umm, "let me?" lol #icant #thesekids