There's no better time than now to get started on a healthy and compassionate vegan life. Do it for yourself. Your family. The animals. And for the planet.
What is a vegan? A vegan is a person who doesn't consume any animals (including seafood) or animal byproducts (including eggs & milk). Veganism extends to everything else in your life; including the cosmetics you use (no animal ingredients or testing) and clothing you wear (no real leather or fur), but in this post you're strictly talking about food.
An easy way to remember this -- If it has a face and/or parent, we don't eat or buy it.
11 Tips to Go Vegan This Year
1. Determine your why
Why do you want to become a vegan? Take a moment and think about it. Do you want to do it for your health? The health of your family? To protest factory farming? Do you want to protect our planet's precious resources?
Visualize what your life will look like when you transition to a delicious and long-term vegan life with your family. Take a few minutes and write down these reasons. Keep this writing on hand, so that you can refer back to it when things get tough.
Check out this previous post: 5 Reasons You Should Go Vegan with Your Family
2. Make the decision to go vegan
There's soooo much power in making a decision. Often we say we want to do something but tend to flip flop back and forth. The beauty of making a decision to embrace a lifestyle change, is that it forces you to take the necessary steps to make it happen. You will start researching and experimenting in the kitchen once the decision has been made.
Check out the previous podcast: 2 Key Steps You Must Take If You Want to Be A Vegan
3. "Always be ready, so you don't have to get ready" - meal planning, eating out, etc.
My dad used to say this to me when it came to my schoolwork as a kid, but I feel this quote is also relevant to vegan life. One of the biggest obstacles you may face when transitioning to this lifestyle is getting adjusted to all of the planning that takes place.
Most of us are so used to just eating whatever we want, the extra step of reading ingredients labels (to ensure there's no eggs, meat, dairy) and asking your server questions while dining out, can feel so overwhelming. I promise with consistence this will get better.
Just be sure to add time in your schedule for meal planning, grocery shopping (to get more comfortable in the store & to read food labels) and check out restaurants menus online to see what vegan options they have available before you leave the house.
Feeling rushed will only discourage you, so "always be ready, so you don't have to get ready."
Check out this resources: is a good resource for finding vegan restaurants near your home and while traveling.
Is it Vegan? is a great app to determine whether or not a product is vegan while grocery shopping.
Finding Vegan is a great resource to findvegan recipes around the interwebs.
4. Don't restrict yourself more than you have to
I often get emails and social media comments from people who want to start a vegan life and follow a: