With school starting for so many families, I want to share some tips and recipes to make the vegan shift as fun and long-term for your family as possible.
Check out videos and blog posts and tips below...
3 Easy & Affordable Vegan School Lunches
How to Plan A Vegan School Lunch For Kids
Blog posts:
How to Make School Lunches Your Kids Will Actually Eat
Lunch Box Tip# 1: Fresh Fruit, Veggies, And Dips
Lunch Box Tip#2: 3 Reasons Water Bottles Are Better Than Juice Boxes
Try not to overthink vegan school lunches!
What are you already packing for your kids' school lunch? Work on replacing that meat, dairy, and eggs with healthier and more compassionate vegan options.
Quick examples:
Instead of a turkey sandwich with dairy cheese and mayo ---> Send sandwiches with vegan deli slices (Field Roast brand is good) and vegan cheese slices and mustard OR peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Instead of dairy milk ---> Send chocolate almond milk, juice or water
Instead of Cheez-It crackers (contains dairy) ---> Send popcorn, pretzels or Ritz crackers (it's vegan)