brown vegan mrs new booty

I Got Those Booty Shorts | Mrs New Booty #6

Yep! Remember when I said I would wear shorts before the summer is over?


Well I did!  These jogging shorts count, right?  lol I haven't stepped on the scale, but I'm really starting to love the skin that I'm in. I find myself focusing on the areas I like about myself opposed to what I desperately want to change.

I spent most of the summer walking for 30 minutes and I now jog more without thinking about it. Progress!

Target posin' Ha! lol

Target posin' Ha! lol

 How can I expect real change if I don't appreciate where I am right now?

Mrs. New Booty is truly about maintaining a exercise routine and making gradual life long changes for a healthier body and mind. 

What are you doing to stay/get in shape?

I'm blogging Mon-Fri this month for Vegan MoFo.

Subscribe below, so you don't miss a post.  


Exercise Schedule? Mrs. New Booty #3

"Mrs. New Booty" is a blog series I started to document my weight loss journey.

Read the other posts here.

I know how I am.

I am the queen of sporadic workouts.  I can go to the gym for two weeks straight and don't go again for another 3 weeks.  I told y'all the exercise struggle is real in my world.  

I have to commit to specific days and goals.

I've decided to start with two set workout days a week. I will jog/brisk walk 4 miles on  Sunday mornings and weight training on Wednesdays. It doesn't really sound like much but I'm happy with the start.

Maybe this small step will lead to me craving daily workouts. I can dream, right? lol

What does your workout schedule look like?

If you're working on a schedule like me, let me know the days you picked and what exercises you plan to do in the comments.