simple daily recipes

Raising Vegan Kids | A Quick Chat with Simple Daily Recipes

I had such an amazing time at Vida Vegan Con! I connected with so many folks in the vegan community and had an amazing opportunity to speak on a parenting panel and give a solo talk about being present and authentic online.

I also had the pleasure of chatting with Jill of Simple Daily Recipes about raising vegan kids.

In the video we share these tips on how to stay on a vegan journey with a family:

  • Make a decision to go vegan and keep moving forward
  • Be okay with being a gradual process- sometimes you're not eating all whole foods. I know about that vegan ice cream and chili Doritos life.
  • Be gentle with yourself and your family
  • Don't be afraid to make just one meal and have those picky eaters catch up on the next meal. I'll write a blog post soon to elaborate on that.


Jill is sooo much fun! Subscribe to her channel <--- for vegan recipes, tips and lots of laughs.