Chocolate Smoothie for Breakfast? Why Not?

My oldest son has been avoiding breakfast each morning since school started last week.  I think he’s probably adjusting to the new schedule and using that time to fully wake up.  I don’t like sending him to school on an empty stomach, so I decided to serve him a chocolate smoothie.  Chocolate for breakfast? Maybe I should feel guilty, but I don’t. :-)



3 handfuls of fresh spinach

1 cup of soy or almond milk

2 tablespoons of cacao powder

1 frozen banana

1 teaspoon of cacao nibs (optional)

1-2 tablespoons of natural peanut butter (optional)

1 tablespoon of agave nectar (optional; for sweetness)

Blend all ingredients except the cacao nibs. Pour into a glass and top with cacao nibs

Cacao powder & nibs are raw chocolate and an excellent source of fiber and magnesium.


After Hurricane Irene, Simon wrote a poem while we sat in the dark.


Moonlight moonlight;

Shining so bright;

Shining so bright that it makes me want to write


He enjoyed his smoothie

Watermelon Smoothie

I'm so sad this beautiful summer is coming to an end. #tears

Here's a last minute recipe before watermelons and strawberries are no longer in season.


2 cups of seedless watermelon

1 lemon, juiced

1/2 cup of soymilk or almond milk

1/2 cup of frozen or fresh strawberries

1/2 cup of ice

Blend all ingredients together and enjoy!

Green Smoothie

I love smoothies because there are so many options to create a quick breakfast or snack. I use leafy green vegetables like fresh spinach, collards, swiss chard, kale, or lettuce. I also enjoy adding fresh seasonal fruit, ginger, and green superfood powder.

So replace that donut and coffee with something that will give you energy without the crash. Thinking about grabbing a bag of chips? Blend a vitamin packed smoothie instead.


*Increases your fruit and vegetable intake

*Clear skin

*Weight loss


Ingredients for one of my favorite smoothies:

2-3 handfuls of fresh spinach

1 Banana, peeled

Half cup of fresh or frozen strawberries (or other seasonal fruit)

Half cup of water or soymilk

1 teaspoon of fresh chopped ginger

A few cubes of ice (if your fruit isn't frozen)

Blend and enjoy!

Don't throw away those overripe bananas....Freeze them and toss them into a smoothie.

Great links:

Green Smoothie Girl

Green Smoothie Revolution

Green Smoothie Challenge

Watch me make a green smoothie with Simon

32 oz of Heaven

I've been drinking green smoothies for about two years now and my concoctions have come a long way.  I have perfected the art of mixing together fresh fruits and veggies and effectively replaced my morning Joe with green goodness.

Green smoothies ensure that I get my daily recommended amounts of fruits and vegetables and the sweetness of fresh mangoes, bananas, and ginger, guarantees that I will also have some morning natural sweetness.

Raw Kale

Raw Spinach

Ginger Root


Frozen Strawberries

Fresh Squeezed Lemon & Lime Juice