While decluttering my bookcase a few weeks ago, I came across my middle and high school yearbooks.
I chuckled at some of the messages left from my childhood friends and smiled at familiar faces that I hadn't seen in years. As I was about to put the books back on the shelf, I thought about the last time I actually looked at them. It had to be at least 3 years old. Even though that walk down memory lane was rather entertaining, I thought about how I really didn't need those books.
I snapped a few pictures with my camera to store on Dropbox and tossed my middle school yearbook in the trash.
I also took some pictures from the high school book but held onto it for a few more weeks. I guess I felt a little more attached to that one.
This may sound drastic but I've been working hard to eliminate items that I don't need to make room for those I want and care about.
When we move this summer, our new living space will likely be a lot smaller than our current home (housing in the DC area is ridulously expensive), so I'm making efforts now to rid myself of items that don't benefit me long-term.
I parted ways with my high school yearbook yesterday. Even though it didn't make me happy, I know I can't find that through things anyway. Those memories will forever be in my heart-where they belong.
"Our memories are not under our beds. Memories are within us, not within our things." Joshua Millburn
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