3 Vegan Turkey Alternatives

When a turkey dances, jumps, gobbles, and flaps its wings, others join in celebration. Turkeys also mourn together, sharing each other’s sadness. They’re so sensitive that they even blush. Their snoods change colors depending on their mood. When the moon rises wild turkeys fly to the treetops to roost, for the night, gathering together beneath each other’s wings. A factory farm turkey will never get to use her wings at all. Turkeys raised for meat are fattened until they become too heavy to fly.
— That's Why We Don't Eat Animals

This year, I challenge you to explore a few vegan options for your Thanksgiving dinner table.


Field Roast makes a delicious roast that is great for Thanksgiving or any other time of year. Click here to find a grocery store near you that offers it. Even though the roast is small, it's my favorite turkey alternative.


I haven't tried the Tofurky Roast but they're larger than the Field Roast brand. I also notice they're more accessible than the Field Roast brand.


If vegan meat alternatives aren't your thing, consider this homemade lentil roast.

It looks a bit time consuming (so is a conventional turkey though) but a beautiful and filling centerpiece for any Thanksgiving table.

Thanks for reading!

I'll see you a few days with a post on some delicious vegan side dish recipes.